Like every year, we face to the audit that evaluates the status of our IFS BROKER certificacion, the processes, the operation or the resolution of possible problems are key factors during this evaluation.
After a year of continuous improvement we passed this exam in which we show the perseverance, affection and respect which we work each day and how we understand process monitoring as the only way to achieve maximum quality and service excellence.
During the month of September we successfully concluded the IFS BROKER certification audit with a Higher Level rating.
This standard, focused on the safety and quality of products, verification and guarantee of the measures appropriate to the service offered, and the offer of peace of mind to customers, operators and suppliers of being in line with the quality and safety requirements that the product needs. In our desire to achieve continuous improvement, all the suppliers we work with have different quality certifications. However, some of them may not have IFS certification and may be in the process of obtaining it.
On the other hand, also during the month of October, we faced and passed the annual audit of the ISO 9001 certificate that assesses the company’s quality management system.
You can download here the updated IFS certification, and here the ISO.
Valencia, October 25th, 2021